Missy Tippens guesting today! Enter to win a free book!

Hi Missy, so glad you’re here!

Missy’s bio:

Missy Tippens is a pastor’s wife and mom of three who lives near Atlanta. After ten years of pursuing her dream, she made her first sale of a full-length novel to Love Inspired in 2007. She still pinches herself to see if it really happened! Her novels have been finalists in the American Christian Fiction Writers Book of the Year Contest, the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence and the Bookseller’s Best Award. Visit Missy at www.missytippens.com.

1. We read your bio and learned a little about you. Anything you want to share in addition to that?

Well, I’m a former microbiologist, turned stay-at-home mom, turned adjunct instructor at the local technical college. So I’ve had a variety of careers!

2. How long have you been writing? I started writing in 1995 when we got our first computer. 🙂
How many books do you have published? My 4th just came out.
How long did it take you to get published? Almost 12 years!

3. If you compared your writing style to any other Christian Fiction author, who would it be?

Oh, gosh, that’s too hard to answer! It could probably be compared to several of the other Love Inspired authors who write small towns stories with lots of emotion and a touch of humor.

Here’s the back cover blurb:

When Faith Hagin sees widower cop Gabe Reynolds every day in her coffee shop, she can’t help but feel for the struggling single dad. She’s raised a teenager of her own—and sadly, knows what not to do. But thanks to his matchmaking preteen daughter, Chelsea, the whole town’s praying for Gabe to find a wife!

Even though Faith thinks she’s content being just friends, spending time with him and Chelsea starts to feel like a fresh start at having a family. And their love may be the answer to everyone’s prayers.

4. What made you want to write this story?

A Family for Faith is inspired by a man I watched on a flight from D.C. to Atlanta! I actually thank him in the acknowledgments. 🙂 The man was a single dad across the aisle and up a row on the plane. I watched as he tried desperately to put a hair bow in his little daughter’s hair and just couldn’t get it in right. I knew I wanted to write a story about a single man with a young daughter who was hitting an age where she would need a mother’s influence. I had so much fun writing it!

5. What research did you have to do for this book?
I did some research about small town cops using Debra Dixon’s Dad’s book, When You’re the Only Cop in Town by Jack Berry and Debra Dixon. I also double-checked facts with friends who have cop husbands. Since it’s contemporary small town, I’m mainly writing what I know. 🙂

6. What are you working on now or going to write next?

I just turned in A House Full of Hope which will be out from Love Inspired in Feb. 2012. And now I’m working on another proposal.

7. I know you like to teach at writing conferences. What are some of the topics you teach on?

Yes, I enjoy teaching! I like to speak about persistence, The Moral Premise, the journey to publication, the first year after the first sale, and basic plotting.

8. What do you like to do for fun besides meet other writers for marathon writing sessions?

Oh, I do love to get away with writers! 🙂 I also love shopping with my daughter, watching my favorite shows on TV, reading (of course!), date night with hubby, movies with friends, girls’ night out, and eating out every chance I get!

9. How can readers get in contact with you?

www.missytippens.com, and on Facebook (Missy Tippens Readers) and Twitter (MissyTippens).

10. Any parting comments? Wise advice for pre-published authors?

Keep writing! Don’t re-work the same story over and over. Just plow ahead. You’ll learn more with each story. Then when you do sell, you’ll have several stories to offer your editor for that second book contract!

Lynette, thanks for having me!

Thank YOU for being here. Sounds like a great story. Can’t wait until I can sit down and read it.

All right, bloggers, now’s your chance. Leave a comment to be placed in a drawing to win a copy of this fabulous book!

God Bless!

    The Conversation

  1. Sheri says:

    Great interview. Thanks for the advice to pre-published authors. :o)

    I would love a chance to read this book. :o) Thank you for sharing.

  2. sandy kay says:

    I really appreciated your comment about not re-writing the same story over and over. I was feeling the need to move on from something I’d written but felt like I was abandoning my baby… I won’t get rid of the baby, but I think it’s okay to release myself to write another story in my head and heart.Thanks!

  3. Tracy S says:

    Sounds like a wonderful book! The story of the dad desperately trying to get the hair bow right really tugs at the heartstrings!

    Your answer to question #1 sounds familiar: I was a third grade teacher, turned stay-at-home mom, turned part-time administrative assistant at my church! 🙂

  4. Thanks for stopping by, Sheri!

  5. Sandy, I was just telling someone on another blog that the book never seems done to me. It’s hard for me to mail it off! But at some point it’s time to move on. And you’ll get better with each one! 🙂

  6. Tracy, that does sound like me! I guess it’s fun to be flexible. And to try different things. 🙂

  7. Cara Putman says:

    Sounds like a great story, Missy!

  8. I love watching people in airports and on planes. It’s amazing to learn about relationships and quirks watching people interact.


  9. Merry says:

    I enjoy small town love stories with all the colorful characters enriching the story. A Family for Faith sounds like touching story, please include me in the drawing. Thanks!
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  10. Lisa Carter says:

    I love stories about small towns. The Mayberry aspect of neighbor being there for neighbor appeals to me. Sounds like a wonderful read. Please include me in the drawing.

  11. Thanks, Cara! I appreciate you stopping by.

    Angie, I’m always a people watcher. It’s strange that I even noticed the man and daughter because I was SO sick! I had food poisoning and almost couldn’t make the flight. 🙂

  12. Lisa, I love doing small towns. I live in one that’s fairly small but not nearly like the tiny ones I create. There’s something I love about that ideal small town that we all imagine.

  13. Merry, thank you! I hope you’ll enjoy it.

  14. Jo says:

    Enjoyed the interview. Please add me.


  15. Patti Lacy says:

    I am reading Missy’s book RIGHT NOW so don’t add me to the giveaway though I sure have some friends who’d love it!!!

    Folks, you are in for a TREAT!!! Great voice, compelling characters!

    Even if you don’t win this book, BUY IT!!!


  16. Jo, I’m glad you stopped by!

    Patti, thank you for your kind words! I really appreciate you!

  17. Would love to have Missy’s new book to add to the other books I have of hers. Love all of her books!

  18. Thank you, Joy!

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