Guest blogger Hope White

Accused of being an eternal optimist, I began spinning tales of intrigue and adventure when I was in grade school, and wrote my first book when I was eleven — a thriller that ended with a mysterious phone call the reader never heard!
My college sweetheart and I have been married for over 20 years and are blessed with two wonderful sons, two feisty cats, and a bossy border collie. When not dreaming up inspirational tales, I’m usually out walking the many trails here in Washington, enjoying a fine cup of tea with friends, or hiding out in a movie theatre. I love to hear from readers:

1. We read your bio and learned a little about you. Anything you want to share in addition to that?
My next book, “Christmas Haven” is out in November and it also takes place in the fictional town of Port Whisper. Julie Burns witnesses a kidnapping and someone’s after her. She retreats back to the small town she ran from 10 years ago where the love of her life is now police chief. Chief Morgan Wright never fully recovered from Julie breaking his heart when she chose a career as a social worker in the big city over their love. Now he has to protect both his one true love, and his own heart because she will surely leave him again.

2. How long have you been writing? How many books do you have published?
I’ve been writing forever! LOL “Witness on the Run” is my second book for Love Inspired Suspense. My first was “Hidden in Shadows” (Nov. 2010).

3. Who are some of your favorite authors?
Shelley Bates, Heather Davis, Maggie Steifvater, Suzanne Brockman, Harlan Coben – I’m all over the map!

4. Is there anyone who had a big influence on your writing?
My husband for being so patient and supportive! He’s a story teller in his own right. Then there’s my friend, Karen, who continued to tell me “you can do it” when the rejections came flooding in.

5. Tell us about your new release. A summary or back cover blurb would be great.
Okay, here it is:
A gun firing. A man killed. Running for her life. That’s all Robin Strand remembers of the shooting she saw. With fear-induced amnesia, she can’t identify the killer, no matter what the police say. The only one who believes her is private investigator Jake Walters. And he’s the one who steps in to rescue her when her safe house is discovered. As they struggle to stay one step ahead of danger, Robin needs Jake more than ever. With his faith and training as a guide, they work together to bring back her memory. Before the killer can ensure that she never remembers.

6. What made you want to write this story?
I always wondered what it would be like to get a do-over. In other words, if you didn’t know who you were or where you came from, would you be a different person? Would you make different choices? “Witness on the Run” is also about trust: trusting in other people and trusting in God. Robin has to rely on and trust others in order to survive the killer who’s after her.

7. What research did you have to do for this book?
I had the pleasure of visiting a wonderful town in Washington called Port Townsend that inspired my fictional town of Port Whisper. It’s a charming town on the Olympic Peninsula – it’s so gorgeous out there! I also connected with a private detective and learned a lot about the P.I. business. Fascinating stuff!

8. What are you working on now?
Another book set in Port Whisper featuring FBI agent Aaron Monroe, who’s the biological father of Sketch, the teenager who appears in “Witness on the Run”. Aaron is tracking a killer and has no idea his son is living in the small town with his grandmother, Aaron’s former mother-in-law.

9. How can readers get in contact with you?
Facebook: hopewhiteauthor (friend me!)

10. Any parting comments?
Thanks for giving me the chance to meet new readers!

All right everyone, now is the chance to win this awesome book! Leave a comment telling why you want to read this book and be entered into the drawing to win.
Thanks so much! And thanks to Hope for being on my blog!

    The Conversation

  1. Lisa Carter says:

    I love tales of adventure coupled with evocative locations. Sounds like a winner. Please include me in the drawing.

  2. Jo says:

    This book sounds like such a interesting one and one that I am definitely adding to my wish list. Please add me in the giveaway.


  3. Thanks for stopping by Lisa and Jo!

  4. Craig says:

    I love reading suspense novels about the field I work in. These stories bring adventure and inspiration together, can’t wait to read it! Would love to be in the drawing too.

  5. Merry says:

    I love romantic suspense and Witness on the Run sounds like a great adventure. It’s awesome to see a book set in the Pacific Northwest where I grew up!
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  6. rbmomof4 says:

    I JUST finished reading this book, and it is AWESOME!! I loved it. In fact, I’ve thought about it all day today. That’s how I know when a book is really, really good: I can’t get it out of my mind. Ms. White, you did a FANTASTIC job with these characters. Do people like Jake and Robin really exist in this world? LOL!

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